Peggy Dye



This is a place to remember Peggy.

Peggy Dye

NEW: Here is the March 14, 2008 obituary of Peggy in The Spartacist, the newspaper of the Fourth Internationalist.



Here is the obituary of Peggy in the Evanston Illinois newspaper placed there by her friend Priscilla Ruth MacDougall.

Here is a 2007 photo of Peggy by her friend Marilyn Nance.
Photograph © 2007 Marilyn Nance


Here is an unpublished work of Peggy's, written in 1999, that tells a poignant episode from her childhood:

Stolen Election
"A great melodrama at 16 showed me that the tradition of silencing negroes hadn't gone to hell yet in America.


Some of Peggy's published writings in PDF form:

Words for a Journey Under Siege (from Catalyst)

God Don't Want No Coward Soldiers (from Newsday)

Algebra as Civil Rights (from Civil Rights Since 1787, A Reader on the Black Struggle)

Two Book Reviews (from The New York Times Book Review)

Uncle James's Blues (from City Lore)


All five of the above articles in one PDF



A recipe and story from Peggy:
Pinky's Sweet Potato Pie


Here is the second draft of a biography of Peggy Dye. It is incomplete and may contain errors, typographical as well as factual. Please help us revise it. A photo has been added.




There was a memorial to Peggy Dye:

Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 11 am
the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church
85 South Oxford Street
Brooklyn NY 11217

If you were there, please write to me.